Confidence Level:Stable
A Wallet contains one or more private keys to addresses in a crypto currency network. It is used to verify origination for chain messages, off chain vouchers, and other important verified pieces of data
# Roadmap
V0: Existing or 3 months
Lotus implements a LocalWallet based on a local Keystore, and a remote wallet that works on a JSON-RPC endpoint. It's not clear whether the remote wallet contains well fleshed out authentication controls
V1: 1 Year
We may need to be able to delegate remote signing on a per-address basis. Lotus
# Preliminary API
This is an extraction of the Lotus wallet API
package payments
import (
type MsgType string
const (
MTUnknown = "unknown"
// Signing message CID. MsgMeta.Extra contains raw cbor message bytes
MTChainMsg = "message"
// Signing a blockheader. signing raw cbor block bytes (MsgMeta.Extra is
// empty)
MTBlock = "block"
// Signing a deal proposal. signing raw cbor proposal bytes (MsgMeta.Extra
// is empty)
MTDealProposal = "dealproposal"
// TODO: Deals, Vouchers, VRF
type MsgMeta struct {
Type MsgType
// Additional data related to what is signed. Should be verifiable with the
// signed bytes (e.g. CID(Extra).Bytes() == toSign)
Extra []byte
// KeyType defines a type of a key
type KeyType string
const (
KTBLS KeyType = "bls"
KTSecp256k1 KeyType = "secp256k1"
KTSecp256k1Ledger KeyType = "secp256k1-ledger"
// KeyInfo is used for storing keys in KeyStore
type KeyInfo struct {
Type KeyType
PrivateKey []byte
type WalletAPI interface {
WalletNew(context.Context, KeyType) (address.Address, error)
WalletHas(context.Context, address.Address) (bool, error)
WalletList(context.Context) ([]address.Address, error)
ctx context.Context,
signer address.Address,
toSign []byte,
meta MsgMeta,
) (*crypto.Signature, error)
WalletExport(context.Context, address.Address) (*KeyInfo, error)
WalletImport(context.Context, *KeyInfo) (address.Address, error)
WalletDelete(context.Context, address.Address) error