# Dependencies

Name Kind APIs
Content Distribution optional HostingClientAPI

# Roadmap

V0: Existing or 3 months

There is no current content bid index for retrieval in Filecoin. Operation Dumbo Drop vaguely resembed a content bid index for Filecoin storage.

V0.5: 6 months

As a starting point, a single global content bid index seems straightforward to build. PL could build one itself, or offer a dev grant to a third party.

However, the "content distribution" side of the retrieval market needs further research. We are competing with web 2 CDN providers, so we need to make sure our offerings are comparable.

V2: Future

Eventually, an efficient Retrieval Market would have several Content Bid Indexes, perhaps serving unique geographic regions.

# Preliminary API

This API is purely speculative


Continue to investigate existing CDN offerings

package contentbidindex

import (

	peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-peer"

type ContentBid struct {
	// Address is the address that will sent payments
	Address address.Address
	// Peer is the peer for the content provider
	Peer peer.ID
	// HostingAsk describe the parameters of the content bid
	HostingAsk contentdistribution.HostingAsk

type BidSearchParams struct {
	// MinimumPricePerByteServed is the minimum amount paid for each retrieval
	// on a per-byte basis
	MinimumPricePerByteServed abi.TokenAmount
	// MinimumPricePerRequestServed is the minimum amount paid for each
	// retrieval on a per-byte basis
	MinimumPricePerRequestServed abi.TokenAmount
	// MaximumBandwidthBytes indicates the maximum expected transfer speed in
	// bytes
	MaximumBandwidthBytes uint64
	// MinimumTimeToFirstByte specifies the minimum time to serve the first byte
	// (miner latency)
	MaximumTimeToFirstByte time.Duration
	// RequestsServed indicates the range of acceptable requests served
	RequestsServed map[contentrouting.GeographicRegion]contentdistribution.DesiredRequestsServed

// ContentBidIndexAPI provides a machinism for making and discovering bids for
// different
// content
type ContentBidIndexAPI interface {
	// MakeBid lists a new bid on the content bid index
	MakeBid(ctx context.Context, bid ContentBid) error
	// ListBids returns all bids on the content bid index (TODO: Practical?)
	ListBids(ctx context.Context) (<-chan ContentBid, error)
	// Search bids searches the content index to find bids that matche the
	// search criteria
		ctx context.Context,
		params BidSearchParams,
	) (<-chan ContentBid, error)